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Lace Wig Rescue Work Book


What do you do when a wig you love begins to bald?

You ventilate it! With ventilation, you no longer need to toss a wig when the hairline (frontal) or part line (closure) begins to thin.


Ventilation for Beginners is a guide that teaches you how to single-knot hair strands to wig lace to fill the balding areas. It includes step-by-step instructions with close-up HD photos and video instructions to see each technique in action.


This includes suggesting what tools to use for the best results. You’ll also learn to set up and prep your canvas head so that you can efficiently perform repairs. Not to worry if you are new to wig repair, as anyone can learn to ventilate.


Practice makes perfect; as an additional bonus, you’ll learn how to create a flat practice surface.

Lace Wig Rescue Work Book

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